Dry Eye Exam & Treatment

At 414 Eyes, we offer a comprehensive dry eye exam to assess the cause and severity of your symptoms and recommend tailored treatments to provide relief and manage the condition effectively.

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Do You Have Dry Eye?

Foreign Body Sensation is the hallmark sign of Dry Eye and leads people to think they actually have something in their eye. Many times, there isn’t actually anything in your eye at all. If your tear film doesn’t adequately cover the surface of your eye, it will create this feeling.

Your eye has three components that make up your tear film. The top layer of your tear film is made of an oil your body naturally produces. This oil layer is meant to hold your tears on your eye so they don’t stream down your face on a cold and windy day.

Dry eye can be the number one reason people drop out of contact lens wear. With proper management, your comfort with contact lenses can be extended by treating underlying symptoms of dryness.

When your eyes burn, your tear film is inconsistent on the surface of your eye. This can be multifactorial and take weeks to resolve. Itchy eyes are usually a sign of allergies and not solely Dry Eye.

First line therapy for most patients is to put a moisturizing drop or lubricating drop into the eye four times daily. If this is not enough, there are other options our Doctors may discuss with you, including prescription medications.

Comprehensive Dry Eye Assessment and Care

Getting a dry eye exam is vital, especially if you’ve noticed your eyes don’t produce enough tears or if your tears evaporate quickly. The tear film on the eye’s surface plays a crucial role in maintaining clarity and comfort.

Eyelid inflammation, meibomian gland dysfunction, and issues with the lower eyelids can lead to dry eyes. We utilize advanced tools to check the health of your meibomian glands and ensure your tears have the right balance of water, oil, and mucus.

Dry Eyes - Comprehensive Dry Eye

What Your Dry Eye Exam
Will Look Like

Medical History

Medical History

Understanding your lifestyle, prescription medicines, and risk factors like contact lens use or exposure to cigarette smoke.

Tear Film Assessment

Tear Film Assessment

Evaluating the watery layer and oily layer of tears produced by your tear glands and meibomian glands.

Eye Surface Examination

Eye Surface Examination

Utilizing staining patterns to observe any irregularities on the eye’s surface.

Tear Duct Assessment

Tear Duct Assessment

Ensuring that your tear ducts are not blocked, and tears can freely flow.

Treatment Options For Dry Eye

Artificial Tears: These over-the-counter eye drops are often the first step in managing dry eye symptoms. Following your exam, the optometrist will recommend the best type for your condition.

Warm Compresses: Beneficial for those with meibomian gland dysfunction, warm compresses can help unclog oil glands.

Lifestyle Changes: Increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, wearing wraparound sunglasses, or avoiding areas with cigarette smoke can make a huge difference.

Other Treatments: Depending on the underlying cause of your dry eyes, treatments may include nasal sprays, prescription eye drops, or procedures to close tear ducts.

Suffering from dry eyes can make daily activities, including reading or using contact lenses, uncomfortable. Thankfully, with advancements in dry eye treatment and early detection through a comprehensive eye exam, managing and alleviating symptoms of dry eye syndrome is possible.

Our team at 414 Eyes is dedicated to providing eye exams and guidance on keeping your eyes lubricated and healthy.


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Schedule your dry eye exam today!

Experience relief from dry eye symptoms. Get a thorough dry eye exam In Milwaukee from one of our qualified optometrists and acquire essential insights into managing this eye condition. Early assessment and treatment can significantly improve your quality of life. Call or book your appointment today.

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If you are seeking an exam that will tell you more about your eyes than just an eyeglass prescription, then consider making an appointment with us today! We accept new patients and a wide variety of vision and medical insurance plans as well as Care Credit.

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